The following are some miscellaneous thoughts regarding the initial stages of language learning when the language is still completely new to you. Much of this is derived from tips by Steve Kaufmann.
- The very first thing you should do is read about the history and the culture of the region where it is natively spoken.
- Don’t build goals around output… just let that happen naturally over time.
- Listen to a lot of the language, all the time. Content that has a written transcript to go along with it is best but anything is fine.
- Keep yourself interested. Repeated listening is fine but not for the sake of doing it. If you are bored with any material, move on.
- Focus on how much you are doing rather than what you are “getting.” That won’t be evident for a long time anyway. Just relax and have faith that your brain is naturally acquiring the language through context.
- Get a small grammar overview book of the language to flip through during down times. Don’t memorize it, don’t study it, just read it in the hope that your brain will become more attentive to those things over time.
- Figure out how to use a computer (type) and the Internet in the target language.
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